The Reading Ladder


Our two-year olds are at an age which their awareness and curiosity of the surrounding world leads to developing advanced motor skills, communication skills, and a greater interest in creative play. Such age-appropriate milestones form the basis of our Twos program.

Our Twos Classrooms

Our Twos classroom is set up to promote independence and freedom of choice for the children. We encourage play-based learning through many different learning centers, including:
  • Dramatic Play
  • Block Area
  • Art/Creative
  • Expression
  • Sensory Table
  • Cozy Corner
  • Table Toys
  • Large, carpeted areas for group time, music, and movement experiences
Children can practice self-help and personal care skills with child-size furniture, sinks, and toilets.


Our Twos curriculum is geared towards older toddlers’ natural curiosity to make things happen. Throughout our fun, play-based curriculum studies, our teachers work to help children develop an understanding of the world around them through hands-on experiences including cognitive skills such as problem solving and the understanding of cause and effect. The curriculum also promotes both large muscle (full body) and small muscle (hands) development, social skills, and creative expression through the processes of art, building, and music. Children are encouraged to use language to express their needs and emotions